Saturday, May 21, 2022

Key Free Doom – HOME PAGE


Key Free Doom – HOME PAGE
Articles and cards published so far:


N. 0 – Silence of the Lighthouse – Il Silenzio del Faro

N. 1 – Splinters - Schegge

N. 2 The First Flight - Il Primo Volo

N. 3 The Scream of the Cicada - L'urlo della Cicala

N. 4 The Spear and the Wind – La Lancia e il Vento.

N. 5 - The Game of Fate - Il Gioco del Fato.

N. 6 - Breath of Life - Soffio Vitale

No. 7 - The Mirror Prince - Il Principe Specchio.

N. 8 - The Sphinx in the Heart - La Sfinge nel Cuore

N. 9 - Separated Souls - Anime Separate

N. 10 - Tears in the Sun - Lacrime nel Sole

N. 11 - Reality… in the Dream - La Realtà… nel Sogno


Presentation of the Series

Key Free Doom – Doom Cards

Means of Transport for Key Free Doom


The Wrask


The three Nyxir jaspers


Geophysical structure of Keywoon


Kingdoms of Keywoon:

Syfhan Thir



THE images are AI art.



The Main Characters:










Supporting Characters:


Persefone e Akynar

Vivian Mirèll



Cyber Droids




The Hosmy:


The 7 Hosmy of Syfhan Thir


1) Mik-El. Terrestrial name: Arché Monie.

Nationality: French.


2) Hoyan. Terrestrial name: Fàbian Rèm.

Nationality: English.


3) Et-Hed. Terrestrial name: Hazèl Blasen.

Nationality: German.


4) Syona. Terrestrial name: Thaom Djuth.

Nationality: African.


5) Wanoll. Terrestrial name: Litha Lamesh.

Nationality: Portugal.


6) Heygar. Terrestrial name: Liss Serthjan.

Nationality: American.


7) Mwenn. Terrestrial name: Lory Denner.

Nationality: English. (DEAD).



The 7 Hosmy of Halcedonya:


1) Aynex. Terrestrial name: Thaoa Pansyr.

Nationality: Polynesian.


2) Zukjro. Terrestrial name: Emjo Lunt.

Nationality: Canadian.


3) Vexjon. Terrestrial name: Binshyr Budy.

Nationality: Brazilian.


4) Crujo. Terrestrial name: Kjan Thivuc.

Nationality: Russian.


5) Madhe. Terrestrial name: Cruthya Yass.

Nationality: Australian.


6) Hula. Terrestrial name: Udonya Pryff.

Nationality: Somali.


7) Syker. Terrestrial name: Jarina Jerla.

Nationality: Finnish.



The 7 Hosmy of Dether:


1) Hashik. Terrestrial name: Hush Abert.

Nationality: French.


2) Zojess. Terrestrial name: Viano Versi.

Nationality: Italian.


3) Qusok. Terrestrial name: Kuan Kutt.

Nationality: Dutch.


4) Orkjan. Terrestrial name: Jethe Joe-Lee.

Nationality: Chinese.


5) Ruferth. Terrestrial name: Ganola Cuss.

Nationality: Spanish.


6) Pudj. Terrestrial name: Vjess Jasdj.

Nationality: India.


7) Herma. Terrestrial name: Shunk Tao.

Nationality: Japanese. (DEAD).



Others Hosmy




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